operationslist 目录

1.5 Defined RESTful API Operations

FHIR Infrastructure Work Group

Maturity Level: N/A

Standards Status: Informative

The RESTful API defines a set of common interactions (read, update, search, etc.) performed on a repository of typed resources. For further information concerning how operations are defined and invoked, see Extended Operations on the RESTful API.

This is a full list of the operations defined by this specification:

Base Operations (All resource types)

Validate a resource

[base]/[Resource]/$validate | [base]/[Resource]/[id]/$validate

Access a list of profiles, tags, and security labels

[base]/$meta | [base]/[Resource]/$meta | [base]/[Resource]/[id]/$meta

Add profiles, tags, and security labels to a resource


Delete profiles, tags, and security labels for a resource


Convert from one form to another


Execute a graphql statement

[base]/$graphql | [base]/[Resource]/[id]/$graphql

Return a graph of resources


Operations Defined by Resource Types


[base]/ActivityDefinition/$apply | [base]/ActivityDefinition/[id]/$apply

Data Requirements


Fetch a subset of the CapabilityStatement resource

[base]/CapabilityStatement/$subset | [base]/CapabilityStatement/[id]/$subset

Test if a server implements a client’s required operations

[base]/CapabilityStatement/$implements | [base]/CapabilityStatement/[id]/$implements

Test if a server implements a client’s required operations


Discover what versions a server supports




Submit a Claim resource for adjudication


Concept Look Up & Decomposition


Code System based Validation

[base]/CodeSystem/$validate-code | [base]/CodeSystem/[id]/$validate-code

Subsumption Testing

[base]/CodeSystem/$subsumes | [base]/CodeSystem/[id]/$subsumes

Finding codes based on supplied properties

[base]/CodeSystem/$find-matches | [base]/CodeSystem/[id]/$find-matches

Generate a Document

[base]/Composition/$document | [base]/Composition/[id]/$document

Concept Translation

[base]/ConceptMap/$translate | [base]/ConceptMap/[id]/$translate

Closure Table Maintenance


Submit an EligibilityRequest resource for assessment


Fetch Encounter Record


Fetch a group of Patient Records


Data Requirements

[base]/$data-requirements | [base]/Library/[id]/$data-requirements

Find a functional list


Evaluate Measure

[base]/Measure/$evaluate-measure | [base]/Measure/[id]/$evaluate-measure

Data Requirements


Submit Data

[base]/Measure/$submit-data | [base]/Measure/[id]/$submit-data

Collect Data

[base]/Measure/$collect-data | [base]/Measure/[id]/$collect-data

Care Gaps


Fetch Product Record

[base]/MedicinalProduct/$everything | [base]/MedicinalProduct/[id]/$everything

Process Message


Fetch Preferred it


Observation Statistics


Last N Observations Query


Find patient matches using MPI based logic


Fetch Patient Record

[base]/Patient/$everything | [base]/Patient/[id]/$everything


[base]/PlanDefinition/$apply | [base]/PlanDefinition/[id]/$apply

Data Requirements


Build Questionnaire

[base]/StructureDefinition/$questionnaire | [base]/StructureDefinition/[id]/$questionnaire

Generate Snapshot

[base]/StructureDefinition/$snapshot | [base]/StructureDefinition/[id]/$snapshot

Model Instance Transformation

[base]/StructureMap/$transform | [base]/StructureMap/[id]/$transform

Value Set Expansion

[base]/ValueSet/$expand | [base]/ValueSet/[id]/$expand

Value Set based Validation

[base]/ValueSet/$validate-code | [base]/ValueSet/[id]/$validate-code


1.5.1 Services Defined by the FHIR specification

This specification defines a set of services, which are business level aggregations of Resources and Operations that provide a defined package of functionality that correspond to an identified business need.

Note that in addition to the services defined in this specification, many implementation guides define business level services.

This table lists the services currently defined:




Terminology Service

A service that lets healthcare applications make use of codes, code systems, and value sets without having to become experts in the fine details of the code system, value set and concept map resources, and the underlying code systems and terminological principles. The service provides the following functionality:

Capability statement

Conformance Service

A service that provides the underlying services needed to test whether resources conform to the rules defined by the FHIR specification and applicable implementation guides, and to help author implementation guides. The service provides the following functionality:

To be developed

Knowledge Repository

A service that provides basic retrieval and maintenance functionality for clinical knowledge artifacts. The service provides the following functionality:

Capability statement

Measure Processor

A service that provides measure evaluation functionality. The service provides the following functionality:

Capability statement

Possible candidate Business Services for future versions:

Note that there is already past & current work on some of these in HL7 (though not necessarily FHIR specific).

®© HL7.org 2011+. FHIR Release 4 (v4.0.0) generated on Thu, Dec 27, 2018. QA Page
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